
A Bright Blond


Wendy: I don't like this dress as much as the majority of my clothes. I just bought it because I quickly needed something easy and comfortable to wear in the summer heat.

Despite the bright color it lacks that umph. I discovered that turquoise is not the easiest color to accessorize. I came up with a red solution.

Sandy: Naturally, since all your accessories are red.


Grannys Underskirt


Sandy: Wendy, you look like there should be a gingerbread house behind you.

Wendy: I ate it.

Sandy: What about your diet?

Wendy: I ate it too.

Sandy: That outfit kind of looks like underwear.

Wendy: It better. It's what I wore at the SlutWalk.

Sandy: You don't look that slutty though. Victorian, more like.

Wendy: I guess. But I do get a lot of whistles and "hey, babys" dressed like this that I would rather not hear.

It felt funny to think "do I look slutty enough?" when usually I do the opposite. I hadn't realized how I sensor my outfits.



Sandy SlutWalk
Sandy: This is what I wanted to wear to the SlutWalk.

Sandy SlutWalk II

And this is what I actually wore because it was raining.

I wore my sluttiest clothes but it was still something I could very well have been wearing to a bar. But that was kind of the point too. The SlutWalk was a demonstration against putting blame on rape victims ie. for what they were wearing.

Freedom to wear what you want what better reason to march!


Black Swan


This huge heart was a gift from someone with a huge heart.

Sandy: I bought this skirt from a flea market with Wendy in mind but first wore it myself on a romantic date.

Wendy: I could describe the style of that skirt a mix of goth Lolita and porn star.

Sandy: What a treasure!


Wendy: I want to express my sorrow for the victims of the Norwegian tragedy.

Sandy: I'm sad for the people who immediately went on web forums and barked at the wrong tree while the killers ideals, in fact, were very similar to their own.

Wendy: People speak words of hatred but when someone acts based on those thoughts no one takes any responsibility.

"If someone can do so much evil, think how much love we can create together."


Sandy: One can express oneself with clothing, political views included. Breivik took photos of himself in some kind of military uniform.

Wendy: Also, most religions have wearable symbols.

Sandy: The messages may get mixed up sometimes, a punk might get mistaken for a skinhead and so on.

Wendy: And sometimes people make assumptions based on false stereotypes. Like when I wear a short skirt and bright lip stick to some women it means that I'm an antifeminist slut.

Sandy: Ironic how "feminists" have such stereotypes about other women.